Silk Eye Surgery Cost in India | More about Silk Vision

Silk Eye Surgery Cost in India | More about Silk Vision

Silk Surgery works in seconds. How is this surgery different from the old surgery? Older surgeries that used lasers. How is that different from surgery to remove glasses. This is how Silk Surgery is done.

How much will it cost you and will your insurance cover the surgery? After doing Silk Surgery, there will be no problem from anywhere and most importantly, you will never need to wear glasses again. You will know the answers to all these questions of this surgery.

If you have glasses in your eyes and you do not want to wear glasses, you want freedom from glasses. Want to get rid of glasses. So today, Silk eye surgery can remove the number of your glasses in 10 minutes. So laser operation is becoming advanced with time. First came the operation.

Silk Surgery

Its name was Perk, then the name of the procedure after that was Lasik, Physics, Smile, then a laser named Contoura came and now in 2023, Johnson & Johnson has launched a new laser named Silk Surgery which is much different from the old laser. There is advance and better.

Things often get better with time. Like after iPhone 13 came 14 and after 14 came 15. Similarly, technology is also becoming advanced with time.

Silk technology is much more advanced technology than the old technology. As well as the recovery of technology. It is very fast, within 20 hours a person becomes completely fit.

You can start all your work. There is no pain in this procedure. There is no injection. There is no stitch. There is no blade. There is no flop. There is no strip. There is no hospitalization.

Silk Surgery: In this, laser is used for 10 seconds. And your surgery is completed. This laser goes inside the black pupil of our eyes. And there is a small piece of tissue in the black pupil. Which we call Lenticule.

Silk Surgery

Makes it. That lenticule contains the power of all your glasses and is removed by holding the lenticule through a small two to three millimeter incision. And the number of glasses gets removed for the whole life. The process of Silk Surgery is so simple.

If we talk about Basic Technology, a very popular old technology, then in Basic, what used to happen was that a big 20 to 22 mm cut was made on the pupil. One layer was lifted. The laser was inserted. And the layer was put back.

But there was tension throughout my life that such a big cut had been made and a flat had been created. Sometimes if the eye gets hit hard or the hand gets hit or the hair gets hit, it starts shaking.

Who can have surgery? 

People whose glasses number is less than -8. He can take advantage of this technology. Also, any person who wants to get his glasses removed through silk procedure. Its number which should be stable for the last 6 months. Age should be above 18 and ladies should not be pregnant or breastfeeding.

And you are not taking any such medicines which disturb the immunity of the body. Like steroids, immunosuppressants are cosmetic procedures.

If there is no other problem in the eyes except the number of glasses, then you can definitely do this Silk eye surgery. Then about 10 to 15 types of tests are done in your hospital. That Silk Surgery procedure is hundred percent safe for you.

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Benefits of Silk Surgery?

Silk Surgery procedure is about 10 minutes and the biggest advantage of Silk is instant recovery. Start seeing the surgery today and start working from tomorrow itself. And the reason why we get such good recovery is because of the Silk machine. Its laser is a very advanced Tanak laser.

Some certain advantages: The first advantage is that the quality of vision will be very good, like I told you, self-supervision will come, just like it happens in a completely normal person.

Also the recovery is very fast and one of the biggest advantages of Bi Convex Lentil is that the depth of focus is very well maintained. Now you must be wondering what is Death of Fox. We have talked about it in detail below.

What is depth of focus? 

In today’s life, we have to look at different distances and work in between. Working on mobile computer laptop, reading work is writing work. So our eyes have to change focus. What used to happen in the old technology was that the depth of focus was slightly compromised. But it is not in this.

Silk Surgery improves quality and vision and at the same time, the side effects of laser like dryness are very less in Silk compared to other technologies. Silk patients recover very quickly. Become comfortable very quickly. The quality of vision is also very good, safety is very high and focus is also not disturbed.

Who should not have this surgery? 

Silk Surgery There are many people who cannot do this surgery, like suppose your pupil is not thick enough or it is thin. There is a problem of dryness in the eyes or a problem of pleasure. Because laser procedure increases dryness.

Silk Eye Surgery Cost in India | More about Silk Vision

Therefore it is avoided. Or if you have problem of keratoconus or your glasses number is above 8, 10, 12, 18 then in such people the doctor cannot remove self procedure glasses or laser procedure glasses.

Doctors use a different type of technology for the surgery of such people. Which is called Lens Base Technology or ICL. In which the glasses are removed by inserting a lens in the eye.

Up to how many numbers of glasses can be removed?

Silk technology can remove spherical numbers from 1/2 to -8 and cylindrical numbers up to -3. This basically removes the number of your distant glasses. Which goes away for the whole life.

But we all have to understand. That when our age becomes above 40 to 45, then a number of studies starts appearing in the eyes of all of us.

Suppose a person gets it done at the age of 20, then there is no need for spectacles from the age of 20 to the age of 45. Neither is it a distant number nor a nearby number, but after 45 years, whenever you do the work of reading and writing. Then you will have to wear glasses or you can use some other procedure to remove near glasses.

What things should be kept in mind after surgery?

After silk eye surgery, do not inhale too much dust for 24 hours and try to stay indoors. Even if it comes out, glasses should be used to avoid dust and soil pollution. The eyes should avoid water for 24 hours and try to stay away from computers and mobiles for at least 24 hours.

Silk surgery cost in India

Silk eye surgery is the latest technology. This technology is being used in India. But this facility has not been launched in all the hospitals, it has been launched in some big hospitals. The cost of this surgery will vary between Rs 120k to Rs 150k depending on the type of hospital in which you are getting this surgery done.

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